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Faith Temple values outreach with both prayer and giving. We directly support the following programs and missionaries:

Global Outreach (GO):
     Moments before He ascended to heaven, Jesus commanded the church to “GO!” and make disciples of all nations. When you give to the annual IPHC Global Outreach (GO) Offering, your money turns into ministry on the mission field around the world. We challenge every IPHC member to give at least a “day’s wage” to the GO offering. Your generous donation helps share the Good News with those who need it most! 75% of the Global Outreach Offering is given to World Missions Ministries to support churches, outreaches, and ministry projects led by missionaries and national workers, as well as to help develop new works, and ministry promotion. The remaining 25% of the Global Outreach Offering is used by Evangelism USA to plant and develop churches in America. 100% of your donation is used to make a difference! 

Coffee House Ministries:
     Tel Aviv Coffee House opened in 2016 with a purpose to feed and give clothing to those who are homeless, drug addicts, and alcoholics. More than 1,000 people pass through the café every month. More than 300 people have been placed in the Buffer Zone, halfway houses that help drug addicts off the streets. Many participate in one of Living Israel’s drug rehabilitation centers, where God rebuilds their lives. Our mission through Coffee House Ministries is to serve as a bridge between the church and the community of non-believers. The connections in our coffee houses produce lasting relationships and share the hope we have in Christ, all through the act of giving someone a cup of coffee. Each coffee house around the world is strategically placed, with the purpose of growing the national church and advancing the kingdom of God. As you enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, please remember the outreach of Coffee House Ministries. Together, with your prayers and the work of the Holy Spirit, lives are being transformed through this ministry.   

Additionally we directly support the following missionaries:

Christopher and Alicia Dunlap 
     Christopher and Alicia Dunlap’s mission is to touch the world for Christ by ministering to and discipling leaders and community members to foster spiritual, community, and economic growth. Christopher and Alicia both graduated from Emmanuel College with degrees in Agricultural Missions and Secondary Math Education respectively. Christopher is passionate about training, educating, and empowering leaders and pastors to influence their own people in their cultural contexts. Alicia is passionate about being with people and encouraging them in their relationship with Jesus, personal goals, passions, and calling. Christopher and Alicia will be serving alongside Kevin and Summer Sneed in Kenya where they will be teaching classes at East Africa Bible College, ministering in local churches, and assisting with girls’ and women’s ministries. They are called to the nations to give hope to the hopeless, peace to the restless, and love to the broken.    

Greg, Latoya, Ethan and Colton McClerkin 
     Greg and Latoya McClerkin are from Tennessee and serve in South Sudan. Greg oversees the Hope4Sudan compound, which includes a primary school, health clinic, and building projects. Greg is the Pastor of Hope Church, IPHC in Kapoeta, South Sudan and oversees seven cell churches in the region. He and Latoya are the Directors of Compass Ministry and Bloom Ministry in Eldoret, Kenya. Please pray the McClerkins continue to experience good health, safety, and that in 2023 they can expand their reach and that people will come to know the love of Jesus Christ through them. 

David, Michelle, Bradyn, Callie and Brittyn Riley 
      David and Michelle Riley are pioneering a new work for the IPHC in Senegal. They desire for the church in West Africa to be a unified, spirit-filled, disciple-making, and missionary sending body. In order to reach a country so immersed in Islam, the Riley’s believe it is necessary to work and live day-to-day among them. The Riley’s minister through the avenues of building relationships, teaching and discipling. They desire to see the unreached people groups of West Africa be transformed by the power of the gospel. Thank you for partnering with the Riley family through your prayers and finances to advance the kingdom of God in Africa.

Joshua, Bethany, Isaac, Phillip, and Lydia Grace Bridges
         Joshua and Bethany feel called to reach the unreached with the powerful gospel of Jesus Christ and to equip laborers for the harvest fields of Europe. Their mission is to plant life-giving churches in Europe (especially among the Celtic nations), to encourage church planters and pastors, to equip leaders through schools of ministry and to help expand the IPHC into new places in coordination with the Arise 2033 vision. For their first assignment, they will work alongside Todd and Stephanie Presley in Wales as they plant a new church in Neath, evangelize and equip leaders while learning the culture. They have 3 precious children: Isaac, Philip and Lydia. Joshua and Bethany graduated from Emmanuel College and for the past 12 years have served in youth and children’s ministries, outreach, discipleship and pastored a local church. They led the church they pastored for nearly 9 years through a rebirthing and replanting process. Both have served in various roles of Conference leadership in Spirit Life Ministries (the Upper SC Conference, IPHC).

Faith Temple is now associated with Feeding America. If you would like additional information about this program please email us at faithtempleiphc19@gmail.com with your contact information.

If you do not have a home church or ministry, or feel led to sow into the ministry of Faith Temple you may send a check directly to us at:
Faith Temple IPHC
1523 Wenonah Avenue
Pearisburg, VA 24134


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